This platform aims to provide, in a single site, all that a student will ever need to excel in any GCE exam.

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Learn wherever you are

Take all your study materials with you and study at regular intervals, in a taxi, toilet, while with friends or even walking.

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Quality learning materials 24/7

With the simple click, you have access to lectures, seminars, revisions lessons and assorted exam prep materials from renown teachers in Cameroon and abroad.

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Our Platform Services

GCEpass provides an opportunity for motivated students to affordably excel in the GCE through a rigorous learning process with coherent sequence and inept depth. We provide a platform that strictly adheres to the GCE Syllabus, and opens up opportunities for teachers, students, and schools to maximize the teaching and learning potential of all users.


GCEpass provides students preparing for the GCE O/L and A/L, and TVEE IL and TVEE AL with access to the curriculum, lesson notes, past questions and answer rubrics, pamphlets and revision materials.


All the contents are developed by seasoned teachers, using aesthetic teaching materials, including lesson notes, videos, pamphlets, and presentation slides, for easy teaching and learning.


A school subscription allows teachers and students full access to all materials on the platform and the ability for teachers to custom their materials to students’ exam needs and needs.

Exam Tips

Our materials and content are updated 24/7. Each subject is assigned to an inspector (GCE exam markers), who audit content for alignment with the GCE curriculum and marking standards.

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at your finger tips


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Click below to access the entire GCE A/L syllabus


Click below to access the entire TVEE IL yllabus


Click below to access the entire TVEE AL syllabus


Click below to access the entire GCE O/L syllabus

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